Trip 11: Teen Force

This season we took on eleven trips, one more than ever before, to include the Portland Parks & Rec Teen Force program. We thought their organization seemed like such a good fit!

They did not disappoint! After everyone was geared up we hit the road to Summit. We arrived with all our gear laid out perfectly (as usual) and they got everyone fitted. Stretches and name games quickly evolved to one-footed skating, which quickly evolved to two footed, which became heels and toes followed – ALL BEFORE LUNCH. This group was all star! After we refueled in the lodge, we went into testing and hit the lifts. The sun was beating on the snow that feel earlier in the week, and it made the surface sticky so the “scoot” became the most popular move of the day. Kids could point it and still not get enough speed to get through the flat.

Attitudes were good and breaks for snowballs and walking through flat sections made for happy campers.

