Trip 6: SEI

We had more students per Coach than normal, but everyone  did their part to help out and make sure we had bandwidth to help individuals who needed one on one time. The kids were exceptionally behaved! One young lady  was upset her little brother was doing better than her, she took  a 10 minute break … Read moreTrip 6: SEI

Trip 3: Trillium

Trip number 3 of the 2013/2014 season with Trillium Charter School was all around incredible. With 18 high-school students, 6 volunteer coaches, and one all-time chapperone, Ken Gadbow, the group enjoyed great weather, awesome vibes, and a memorable day of snowboarding. With a low snow year, our first trip to the Summit ski area was testing … Read moreTrip 3: Trillium

Trip 2: IHAD

The first Snowdays Day trip in 2014 started with clear sunny skies and warm temperatures. IHAD (I Have A Dream) brought up 8 riders to test their skills on the mountain. Andrew (14 years old), shown here shredding, demonstrated a healthy amount of determination to slide down the mountain with style.  All 8 students by the end of the … Read moreTrip 2: IHAD

Trip 1: SEI

We kicked off the season with a great day at Timberline with the SEI group! Coach Ben here with a quick recap from our first trip of the 2013/14 Snowdays season. There is always something special about early season riding.  No matter what the conditions are, it just feels incredible to be back up on the … Read moreTrip 1: SEI